
Daniel, Marta and Iker - Basque Country, Spain

 Hello friends! 👋🏾Today we are traveling to Madrid because tomorrow we will be doing some medical tests on Iker and then we will have a consultation with his immunologist.

Daniel continues to distribute the following books from town to town, but at this time we do not have enough resources to print more copies for next week. Would you like to help us print more books? TOWN TO TOWN📕: It is a book of poetry with rhymes on different topics where we share the values ​​of the kingdom of God and the gospel through this art. 7TH STREET 📗: It is a book about the life of Jesus where we share in a more direct way. We usually distribute this book for free. Through this ministry God allowed us to share with many people. Most of these people are agnostic, atheist, or do not consider themselves religious. Many of those who receive the books then go to our social networks and on them we are increasingly sharing the good news of Jesus through videos, sermons, reflections, etc. Please pray 🙏🏽 for: - Iker's health, complete healing, and wisdom and direction in the next steps to follow regarding his medical treatment. - The financial provision - The people who in different towns of Castilla y León are receiving the books. - The return to the Basque Country at the beginning of September. Thank you very much for your prayers and support. May God bless you very much! Daniel, Martu and Iker If God puts it in your heart to give an offering for our ministry, you can do so through these options: 1) Savings bank in Argentina: BBVA Francés (Daniel Brian Scott) CBU: 0170114840000032934164 ALIAS: AZAR.TREN.ACTA 2) Through Linguae Christi https://linguaechristi.org/donate/