"Our commitment: until everyone knows"
On Wednesday the 10th of October 2007, the Argentine Network of World Missions (Red Misiones Mundiales) celebrated its 25th anniversary of adhering to its motto, 'Our commitment: until everyone knows'.
This important event took place in the Iglesia de la Puerta Abierta, situated in the heart of Buenos Aires. The auditorium was full to beyond capacity, requiring many of those present to stand throughout the service. Flags, posters representing people groups from around the world, and missions stands added a touch of authenticity. Many people began to arrive well before the start of the service, demonstrating their desire to know more about how God is advancing the work of missions through His church in Argentina.
Prior to the main meeting there were two workshops that began at 5 p.m.: one for mobilizers, led by Stanley Clark, and with the participation of various missions leaders; and one for missionaries, with Claudia Bustamante, Carlos Scott, Daniel Bianchi, and Dave and Judy Oltrogge--retired missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Both workshops were well-attended and were greatly appreciated by those who attended.
Program of Inspiration
The opening part of the main service began just before 8 p.m. with a special concert of praise. Excellent musicians, choir and orchestra were directed by Leticia Clark. Following that, master of ceremonies Daniel Bianchi (member of Executive Board of the Network) formally opened the meeting. Canal Luz T.V. transmitted the entire program live to hundreds of places around the world. Following the invocation, the flag of Argentina was presented, followed by missionaries dressed in national costumes who, in turn, were followed by about 30 students from the Río de la Plata Bible Institute (Union of the Assembles of God), carrying flags from around the world. All this blended together in a time of intense intercession by small groups, praying on behalf of the world as well as for missionaries.
Two former presidents of the Network were on the program: Marcelo Abel and Edgardo Surenian. People praying for the world Federico Bertuzzi, founder of the Network and its director for many years, and who had come from Spain expressly for the anniversary event, was then introduced. In his talk, he underscored the pioneer spirit of the missions movement in Argentina along with its commitment to the Gospel and the cross of Christ as the only means of salvation, thus placing the missions enterprise in Argentina on a solid doctrinal foundation.
Following this, people from the congregation mentioned the names of pioneers who brought the Gospel to Argentina and left as missionaries. Throughout the service, a profound and deeply-felt spirit of praise was manifested through the music presented by Leticia Clark and various musicians. An especially emotional moment was when a song was sung by various well-known
Argentine musicians joined by children of missionaries.
The offering that was taken was designated in its entirety to help pay the expenses of cross-cultural missionaries who will attend a retreat on their behalf, scheduled for January, 2008.
The message brought by Dr. Luis Palau, based on Romans 12:1-2, was a challenge to commitment to missions, whether by going or sending. He illustrated the call to a 'holy lunacy' for missions by referring to the life of faith of William Cameron Townsend. Palau was deeply moved as he noted the growth of the missionary movement in Argentina and urged those involved to continue to move ahead with passion and commitment. A few moments later, leaders of sending agencies, pastors of sending churches (that have missionaries in the field), parents of missionaries, and members of the Network of World Missions, came forward.
Words of encouragement and blessing were then directed to the national missions movement by
pastors who were present, as well as by representatives of CEP (Pastor Ciro Crimi), ACIERA (Pastor Rubén Proietti), and COMIBAM International (Pastor Carlos Scott who is also a former president of the Network). Many others joined in the celebration through letters of greeting, such as Pastor Hugo Márquez, Pastor Pedro Slachta, and various other COMIBAM offices in
Latin America, to mention a few.
Federico Bertuzzi and Daniel Bianchi Dr. Luis Palau presenting the Word. Note: The Network is composed of many local (sending) churches. Also there are many missions department of denomination such as: Assemblies of God, Baptist Convention, Church of God (Cleveland), Armenian Church, Mission Christian Assembly, Brethrens Assembly, Foursquare Gospel Church, Congregational Church, Iglesia Rios de Vida.
Together with them the Network has an important representation of ministries like: YWAM, OM, Campus Crusade for Christ, PMI, Frontiers, CCMT, LETRA, MAIN, CEC, Ministerio Crecer, Mision Austral and many more.¡Argentina World Missions Network Celebrates 25 Years!
Words of encouragement and blessing were then directed to the national missions movement by
pastors who were present, as well as by representatives of CEP (Pastor Ciro Crimi), ACIERA (Pastor Rubén Proietti), and COMIBAM International (Pastor Carlos Scott who is also a former president of the Network). Many others joined in the celebration through letters of greeting, such as Pastor Hugo Márquez, Pastor Pedro Slachta, and various other COMIBAM offices in
Latin America, to mention a few.
Federico Bertuzzi and Daniel Bianchi Dr. Luis Palau presenting the Word. Note: The Network is composed of many local (sending) churches. Also there are many missions department of denomination such as: Assemblies of God, Baptist Convention, Church of God (Cleveland), Armenian Church, Mission Christian Assembly, Brethrens Assembly, Foursquare Gospel Church, Congregational Church, Iglesia Rios de Vida.
Together with them the Network has an important representation of ministries like: YWAM, OM, Campus Crusade for Christ, PMI, Frontiers, CCMT, LETRA, MAIN, CEC, Ministerio Crecer, Mision Austral and many more.¡Argentina World Missions Network Celebrates 25 Years!
Answer to the Call
After that, Luis Palau invited all those who had made a commitment to missions to come forward. Dozens of people responded, and pastors and missionaries prayed for and with them. Finally, Stanley Clark, as president of the Network, challenged those present to increase their efforts in praying, giving, sending and contagious enthusiasm for missions. And so, the event came to an end, with words of gratitude directed to those who organized it, and a special song. Following this, there were opportunities for personal encounters, greetings, and visits to the various missions stands that provided additional challenges and information. A recurring theme, expressed by brothers and sisters at this time was the testimony of having been blessed that evening. An evening of rededication to the commitment, "Until everyone knows."
The Network was borne in June of 1982 responding to a challenge given by Dr. Palau to pastors in a national retreat. Since then its main purpose is to connect mobilize, equip and assist churches and believers in Argentina in a way that results in the sending of missionaries to the lessreached peoples and languages. Word of encouragement for the members of the Network People made decisions for missions The Network has been a member of COMIBAM International since 1986 and is working together with the National Mission Movements of Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. The World Missions Network is focus in strategic areas:
1. Pastors and Churches
2. Mobilization
3. Missions training
4. Sending,
5. Member Care
Each of the above has a national coordinator. The Network also enjoys a national presence through regional representations. As it has been noted already, sending churches, mission
agencies and ministries, and training centers are members of the Network representing a very wide range of denominations and organizations. Dr. Ruben Proietti (President of the well-known Evangelical Alliance of Argentina) has stated that the Red Misiones Mundiales is a model of unity and commitment for the whole church in Argentina.
The Network has a wide international connections. For instance, it is represented in the
Mission Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance through Carlos Scott and Daniel Bianchi.
The Network is also in contact with and is willing to give advice and orientation to international missions that are considering serving in Argentina and/or the region in a partnership relation to enhance the participation of the Latin Church in world missions.
Until everyone knows!
Daniel Bianchi
Director of COMIBAM International for the Southern Cone
www.comibamconosur.blogspot.com - www.mm-comibam.org