
Can we celebrate His birth?

Can we celebrate His birth?
In a world of violence, peace is sought; will it be found?
In a world of injustice, justice is sought; will it be found?
In a world of selfishness, solidarity is sought; will it be found?
In a world of loneliness, love is sought; will it be found?

In a world like that, how can we celebrate the birth of a baby?

We can do it because that baby is God;
A God who came in the midst of violence to bring peace;
A God who came in the midst of injustice to bring justice;
A God who came in the midst of selfishness to bring solidarity;
A God who came in the midst of loneliness to bring love;

A God who did not come in power but in vulnerability;
A God who did not come in wealth but in poverty;
A God who did not come to be served but to serve;

Let us celebrate His birth, not only to look at Him,
not even to admire Him, but to share His mission.

God bless your Christmas and New Year.
With a strong and big hug,
Merry Christmas

Carlos & Alicia Scott