Carlos Scott
Contributions to the Development of the Ibero-American Missionary Movement
During 2007 we developed a series of programmes, several activities and visited different countries like the USA, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, United Kingdom, Hungary, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, Peru and inland Argentine. The main objectives were to represent the movement at an international level, to visit the regions and to assist them, to train pastors and churches, to present the Ibero-American missionary movement, its planning, projection, development in each region, evaluation of results, fundraising, etc. Several meetings were organized with these purposes, which were coordinated by different pastors, mission leaders, churches and the national movements of the countries mentioned above.
Destination: Guatemala, United States and Mexico
Date: January
1. To establish strong relation links and the continuity of the work with a foundation.
2. To get to know Foundation and to project the cooperation continuity with them.
1. Fundraising visit and meeting with Foundation.
2. Visit and meeting with CONEM leadership (Guatemala).
3. Visit and meeting with COMIMEX leadership (Mexico).
We managed to make progress in our relationship with CONEM, COMIMEX and a Foundation.
Destination: Mexico
Date: March
1. To establish unity and orientation links with the new members of the Board of Directors.
2. To teach on cross-cultural missions at Luis Palau’s Leadership congress.
3. To give support in the transition and presentation of Strategic Alliances.
1. Meeting with the new members of the Board of Directors in Monterrey.
2. Participation in the Luis Palau’s Leadership Congress, and to give support to the initiative of Strategic Alliances at the congress.
3. To teach and to give a workshop on world missions.
· Fifty leaders from different churches and denominations were touched by missions.
· In the plenary sessions, 2000 leaders and pastors were challenged to work in unity in order that COMIBAM International can achieve Strategic Alliances as a team.
Destination: United Kingdom and Uruguay
Date: April
· To meet with World Evangelical Alliance’s mobilisation leaders.
· To teach about missions (Uruguay).
· Meeting with WEA’s mobilization leaders.
· Participation in the missionary congress in Uruguay.
· In the UK, we managed to plan the research project on world mobilization.
· In Uruguay, 20 pastors and leaders were challenged in the mission process and were motivated to continue with their missions mobilisation work. Sixty people were challenged and motivated in missions.
Destination: United States and El Salvador
Date: May
· To present the fundraising projects in foundations and churches.
· To planh the 2007-2009 process for COMIBAM’s Board of Directors and Committee.
· To teach on missions and to spend some time with COMISAL (Salvadorian missionary movement).
· Visits to foundations and churches in US: PROvision, MacLellan, Cornerstone, Mars Hill Bible Church and Parker.
· Meeting with COMINHA (Hispanic missionary movement in the USA).
· Meetings with COMIBAM’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee in El Salvador.
· Participation in a radio programme about missions to reach the national territory of El Salvador.
· A working plan and a new projection for COMIBAM was established.
· We taught 400 people about missions, pastors and leaders among them.
· The relationship with COMISAL was consolidated.
· We made progress consolidating the relationship with COMINHA.
· We also made progress consolidating our relationship with foundations and churches.
Destination: Hungary
Date: June
· To represent COMIBAM Internacional in the global connection.
· To link COMIBAM’s movement in the process of Lausanne 2010.
· To include national coordinators and board of directors in the world process.
· Participation in the launching of Lausanne 2010.
· Being part of the task groups.
· COMIBAM presented the relevant missiology topics that will be discussed by the Lausanne 2010 movement.
· The national coordinators and board of directors were included in the Lausanne process.
Destination: Nicaragua
Date: July.
· To spend time with the whole Central American movement (7 countries).
· To share the Word of God within a pastoral process.
· To take part in the consultation organised by the pastors and churches network.
· To explain where COMIBAM is heading.
COMCA (Central American Missionary Cooperation)’s annual meeting.
· The regional integration process was consolidated, especially with the pastors and churches network.
· The relationship COMIBAM-COMCA was strengthened.
Notes on August and September:
During those months I took part in different activities like:
· Meetings in churches
· Interviews with leaders
· Seminars and meetings with pastors and mission leaders
· I welcomed and accommodated a group from the Basque country during 20 days.
Destination: Peru
Date: October
· To spend some time with Peru’s national missionary movement.
· To support the development and regional integration.
· To help in the Andean Congress.
· I represented COMIBAM in the Alpha Course.
· Meeting with COMINA’s (Peru’s Missionary Cooperation) national leaders.
· We managed to make an agreement for a regional gathering.
· We agreed to have a higher projection for the integration process of the region.
Destination: Panama and Dominican Republic
Date: November
· To take part in Wycliffe consultation, in seminars, other consultations and preachings on missions.
· To continue strengthening the relationship Wycliffe-COMIBAM.
· To spend some time with the national movements (from Panama and Dominican Republic).
· To teach seminaries, to record television programmes, preachings and to lead a consultation.
· Attended Wycliffe’s consultation.
· A seminar was offered in Panama’s inland.
· I preached in Iglesia de Dios.
· Three television programmes about missions were recorded to be transmitted in Panama.
· I preached in Panama’s largest church and it was broadcasted in Panama’s television
· The relationship Wycliffe-COMIBAM was strengthened.
· 50 pastors, from different churches and denominations, were challenged in Panama.
· 100 pastors, from different churches and denominations were challenged and committed to work in missions in the consultation carried out in the Dominican Republic.
Date: December
· To present, together with the Executive Director and the North American Director, COMIBAM’s fundraising projects and plans.
· To visit donors in Knoxville, Chattanooga, Orlando, Santa Ana, Grand Rapids, and Richmond.
· Visit to COMINHA (Hispanic missionary movement in the USA).
· The relationship and understanding of the fundraising work was strengthened.
· Presentation of plans. A foundation accepted a proposal in which the Executive Direction is working.
· A foundation got interested in the North-South meeting to be celebrated in May 2008. They also sent their form so we can present a proposal. The Executive Direction is working with this presentation.
These activities summarise the ministerial focus of this period. Especially, I want to highlight the work and support of my wife Alicia. Her encouragement, sacrifice, kindness, and wisdom are the constant support to continue with this task.
I am thankful for your prayers. Please keep praying for us. May God strengthen your lives, continue blessing you and we also pray for you all.
With love, your brother, collaborator and partner in the battle,
Carlos Roberto Scott