
Updates Carlos and Alicia Scott

Dear Friends

We hope you are well and we thank God for your lives. Thank you very much for accompanying us and being united in service to all the people of God and the extension of his Kingdom.

In the month of May we had the joy of seeing many pastors, field workers, leaders, professionals and students beginning the perspective courses of the world Christian movement. We continue with the virtual courses like the courses that are face-to-face. Carlos is in charge of giving classes 1,3,4, and 5 of the biblical perspective in different countries and regions. In this month of June Carlos will be helping the missionary movement in Panama and giving lesson 1. Pray for us in all this work and we hope to move on to other lessons.

We hope to continue our work serving churches throughout Latin America and Spain. We continue writing devotionals for different movements and churches and preparing the themes of the next commitments in relation to global mission. Thank you very much for praying and encouraging us on this path. Pray for our spiritual and emotional life and that God renew our physical strength. We are grateful to God and to all of you for his constant love. Thank you very much for being our family and feeling God's caress from all of you. We love you and pray for all of you. May God be glorified and honored by this unity and love.

With a strong and big hug

Carlos and Alicia Scott