Dear Friends,
It is a joy to be able to share with you
We truly thank God for each one of you, for being a beautiful and loving church that is always embracing and caring for us. Thank you for all that you do to extend the Kingdom of God to all ethnic groups. God has allowed us throughout this time to be mobilizers, tutors and mentors and to equip people who are going out into the field of service. We continue to train and coach many young people, couples and adults as field workers who are making disciples and forming new communities of faith in towns, cities and in places of restricted access with the least evangelized and unreached people both globally and locally. We continue to write, share articles and essays with the entire Latin American community and reach places we never imagined. We also continue to open our house to anyone who needs a hug and encouragement to continue. We advise young people and young couples in this task of missionary guidance. We also continue to work with the younger generation and teach in different mission schools as well as in seminars, conferences, consultations, workshops and churches. In Buenos Aires we continue with the project of new missionary communities through small groups that meet in homes.
We ask for your prayers so that God continues to bless us with spiritual, emotional and physical health. Pray that God strengthens us, gives us wisdom, words and freshness in each presentation of the gospel. May God free us from all evil and may his name be recognized and worshipped everywhere. Pray for our children and their families in the task of continuing to proclaim the gospel in the Basque Country as well as in Argentina. We pray for all of you and we love you.
With a strong and big hug
Carlos and Alicia Scott
For send offering make checks payable to: H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO. In the memo portion be sure to indicate that it is for support CARLOS SCOTT. Send checks to: Hope Bible Mission, H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO, Box 833 Frostburg, MD 21532 Email:, Phone: (347) 464-8576
The U.S. based organization having a 501(C) 3 – tax status that receives gifts for Carlos Scott: H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO, Richard Carey, Director, Email:
Carlos and Alicia Scott. GloCal Mission, Tinogasta 5684 (1408) Ciudad Aut贸noma Buenos Aires, Argentina,
E-mail: Phone: 54-11-39033794, English Blog: Spanish Blog:
¨By myself I can do nothing; ... for I seek not do please myself but him who sent me¨, John 5:30. Thank you so much for pray for us and for your support