
A relevant church for a globalized world

 Faculty of Integral Theology

A relevant church for a globalized world


For send offering make checks payable to: H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO. In the memo portion be sure to indicate that it is for support CARLOS SCOTT. Send checks to: Hope Bible Mission, H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO, Box 833 Frostburg, MD 21532 Email: rick@h-b-m.orghope@h-b-m.org Phone: (347) 464-8576

The U.S. based organization having a 501(C) 3 – tax status that receives gifts for Carlos Scott: H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO, Richard Carey, Director,
 Email: rick@h-b-m.org

Carlos and Alicia Scott. GloCal Mission, Tinogasta 5684
(1408) Ciudad Autónoma Buenos  Aires, Argentina, E-mail:
 licscott@yahoo.com.ar  Phone: 54-11-39033794, English Blog: http://glocalmission.blogspot.com/ Spanish Blog: http://misionglocal.blogspot.com/

¨By myself I can do nothing; ... for I seek not do please myself but him who sent me¨, John 5:30

Thank you so much for pray for us and for your support