Dear Friends,
Updates Carlos and Alicia Scott
With a strong and big hug,
Sharing our Lifes
Dear Friends,
We give thanks to God for his life's and for the work you do for all the people of God and the extension of your Kingdom.
We want to share our vision, passion and work in the past years, the present and what we hope to continue doing in the future.
One of the characteristics we have as fieldworkers is that God has used us to be facilitators, mobilizers, mentors, educators, and train others for opening doors and establishing beachheads for holistic ministry around the world.
God allowed us to train and equip other field workers who are serving in different parts of the world. Some of them have planted churches and carry out a holistic ministry. For security reasons we cannot write their names.
We hope that this relationship continues to grow taking the WHOLE gospel to the WHOLE person and promote human flourishing in the name of Christ not just for individuals but for the community in which they live.
We served in Latin America in the missionary movement plus Spain (22 countries) coming to see more than 9,000 workers in the countryside between the years of 1999 to 2009. Today it is estimated that there are more than 18000 workers where it is estimated that 35% work among peoples and ethnic groups less reached and not evangelized. You, my dear brothers, are part of this great achievement for the glory of God.
God has united us; we see His mighty hand and His Kingdom comes. We see miracle after miracle in the midst of our weakness and fragility. You are our brothers, fellow workers and fellow soldiers and are part of this move of God. You are at our side like a soldier with another soldier. Back-to-back and the enemy cannot untwist where one begins and where the other ends. We are together and united, rejoicing and suffering for the same. Ahead.
We ask that you continue to pray for us, for our children and grandchildren. May generation after generation remain the legacy of following and our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for our physical, emotional and spiritual health. Pray for God to give us discernment and wisdom at all times and free us from all temptation. We love you and pray for you all.
Carlos and Alicia Scott - Argentina