
Updates Carlos and Alicia Scott

Dear Brothers and Friends

We hope that you are well and encouraged in the Lord. Whenever we remember you, we thank God for your lives and for the communion we have in the gospel. Thank you very much for participating together and united in God's mission.

We thank God for all the courses in Latin America on Perspectives of the World Christian Movement. We thank God for participating in this movement that impacts the lives of thousands of people where God is worshipped, nations are blessed and evil is defeated through the Kingdom of God. We also thank God for the work in seeing a movement of disciples who make other disciples and form new communities of faith. We are grateful to God for being part of accompanying people forming new communities. One of these groups is in our house. Keep praying for this whole movement and may God be glorified.

Carlos will be preaching and teaching in the month of October in several cities in Argentina. He will be preaching about what our heritage means in forming disciples who change history. He will be in Lanus, Rosario and Cordoba. He will also be teaching a new generation of young people in the School of Mission and church planting. There is a new generation of young people to serve in different places as field workers among the least reached both locally and globally. Please continue to pray for all of us so that God keeps us on the right path serving and loving his church. May God protect us from all evil, may he give us wisdom and the necessary word for each moment of history in Ibero-America. May we see processes of transformation at all levels.

Once again, thank you very much for walking together in communion and may God be honored and receive all the glory. We pray for all of you, and you are in our hearts. We love you.

Carlos and Alicia Scott


For send offering make checks payable to: H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO. In the memo portion be sure to indicate that it is for support CARLOS SCOTT. Send checks to: Hope Bible Mission, H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO, Box 833 Frostburg, MD 21532 Email: rick@h-b-m.org, hope@h-b-m.org Phone: (347) 464-8576


The U.S. based organization having a 501(C) 3 – tax status that receives gifts for Carlos Scott: H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO, Richard Carey, Director, Email: rick@h-b-m.org

Carlos and Alicia Scott. 
GloCal Mission, Tinogasta 5684 (1408) Ciudad Autónoma Buenos Aires, Argentina,                                                        
E-mail: licscott@yahoo.com.ar  
Phone: 54-11-39033794, English Blog: http://glocalmission.blogspot.com/ 
Spanish Blog: http://misionglocal.blogspot.com/

¨By myself I can do nothing; ... for I seek not do please myself but him who sent me¨, John 5:30. Thank you so much for pray for us and for your support