
Updates Carlos and Alicia Scott

Dear Friends,

It is a joy to greet you and we hope that you are well

In a special way we want to thank you for your love, your prayers and everything you do for us. Thank you very much for accompanying us, being of great help, being united with the same purpose.

We thank God for the month of July and everything that has happened. We thank God that we can be instructors in Perspectives of the World Christian Movement for all of Latin America and Spain. Carlos was able to teach the biblical part to the Perspectives movement in Panama. We continue to advance on other lessons and help so that we can continue to see a movement of disciples who make other disciples and form new communities of Faith. We are developing processes and trying to see how they can work in Latin America and that they can be inspirational and models that can help cross-cultural workers reach unreached ethnic groups throughout the world.

In August and the coming months Carlos will be teaching several Perspectives lessons in Buenos Aires, then he will have to give conferences in various places and much later in other months he will travel to Chile. We continue writing and forming disciples. We continue the meetings in our house and in two other houses in greater Buenos Aires. We call these new churches that are being formed the Communities of the Way. Please continue praying for us, for our physical, spiritual, and emotional health and that God free us from all evil. Pray that we have wisdom and discernment in each presentation of his word and spiritual freshness. Please continue praying for our grandson Iker who is autistic, his physical health and his parents. May the Lord guide our lives and fulfill all his purpose.

We pray for all of you, and we love you. With a strong and big hug,

Carlos and Alicia Scott


For send offering make checks payable to: H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO. In the memo portion be sure to indicate that it is for support CARLOS SCOTT. Send checks to: Hope Bible Mission, H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO, Box 833 Frostburg, MD 21532 Email: rick@h-b-m.org, hope@h-b-m.org Phone: (347) 464-8576


The U.S. based organization having a 501(C) 3 – tax status that receives gifts for Carlos Scott: H.O.P.E. Bible Mission PO, Richard Carey, Director, Email: rick@h-b-m.org

Carlos and Alicia Scott. GloCal Mission,  Tinogasta 5684 (1408) Ciudad Autónoma Buenos  Aires, Argentina,                                                        

E-mail: licscott@yahoo.com.ar  Phone: 54-11-39033794,  English Blog: http://glocalmission.blogspot.com/  Spanish Blog: http://misionglocal.blogspot.com/

¨By myself I can do nothing; ... for I seek not do please myself but him who sent me¨, John 5:30. Thank you so much for pray for us and for your support