
Updates Carlos and Alicia Scott

Dear Friends

We hope you are well and encouraged in the Lord You are in our hearts and prayers and thank you very much for everything you do in favor of the People of God and the extension of his Kingdom in all nations. This month of September was very special and challenging. We were able to teach the youth at the church planting school in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. Afterwards we were able to work and reflect on the mission with the pastors and leaders who are in the south of Argentina. Carlos later traveled to Chile and came back very enthusiastic. He was in the cities of Santiago and Concepción teaching, sharing and reflecting on the mission for a new time that God is presenting to us. Carlos was able to have very good meetings with pastors, leaders, workers and churches. We thank God who takes care of us in everything. Our son Daniel and his wife Marta together with their son Iker will return to the Basque Country next year to continue with the mission of planting new churches where Basque communities can be blessed, God can receive glory and evil can be destroyed through progress of the Kingdom of God. Pray for them and especially for Iker in his Autistic condition This month of October will also be challenging and we will be able to see many of you at Harvestfest. Meanwhile we continue teaching and preparing some materials for the commitments in the month of November. Pray for our emotional, physical and spiritual health. May God free us from all evil and give us spiritual freshness at all times. Thank you very much for joining us in prayer and being together in God's Mission.

With a strong and big hug

Carlos and Alicia